For my ordinary drawing I chose fabric from my living room and dining room. I also chose objects that are in each room and reversed which picture they should be in. I started off abstracting then my true self came through and I started creating a very realistic drawing. I wanted to copy the textures of the chair and the curtains into my drawing. The curtains were more exact than the chair material. I included christmas lights and a diffuser into the drawings. Fabric has also interested me with its ability to show movement and keep the eye moving even when its static in a picture or in real life.
The class could recognize the objects which I wanted, but they also could find different objects inside of the chair piece. One student found a landscape with a moon and they did not like the white corner in the curtain picture. Another student brought up a point about using different fabrics in different rooms. He also suggested bed sheets on a daily bases and definitely seeing the presence in them. My pieces tend to come back to my senior show painting them of presence in pictures without actually seeing the figure. Being able to see the beauty in small glimpses of time and being able to capture them with a picture or another medium is very comforting to myself.