Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bodies exhibit/Skull/Shell

This week we visited the Bodies exhibit in the MOA. It was amazing! I loved it! I found it so fascinating being able to look into the bodies and see exactly where each piece fits together. While working on the manikin I found it hard to figure out exactly where each muscles connects to the bone. I remembered which ones I was having trouble with and made sure to look at the bodies in the exhibit and it really helped.

Also this week we started the skulls and I have been wanting to focus on this part of the body the entire class, since it pertains to what I do in my paintings, which is facial portraits. I enjoyed being able to start the skull then have help with it and start putting in the planes of the face.

Our large shell was due this week and that was very hard for me, even though I feel its the best drawing I have done this semester. I like drawing and painting small and having to draw the shell very large took a very, very long time. I definitely spent at least 10 hours on this drawing. I tacked the paper on the wall and set the shell on a table next to me. I had to start the shell a few times, because I kept drawing it too small. Finally, I drew it a decent size that I was comfortable with and it turned out great!


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